

Maiming at Azteca

Chicago--You may have heard about the accident at Azteca Foods. Rodrigo Mina, a temporary worker replacing strikers at Azteca Foods, was seriously injured on Feb. 20 while at work at the Chicago plant.

Mina was clearing tortillas away from the location where two conveyor belts meet when he slipped on a package of Azteca tortillas. As he fell, his hand got caught between the two belts in a space approximately two inches wide. The belts pulled his hand and then his arm in up to above his elbow. According to Mina, his arm was ground up for about 10 minutes before the belts were shut off.

He was hospitalized for over two weeks and has had two surgeries to reconstruct his arm using bone, veins and skin from his foot and leg. He is unable to use his arm. His doctors tell him that with a year of intense therapy, he may be able to have limited use of his arm.

UE representatives and strikers have visited Mina to ensure he knows his rights and to tell him that he is not alone. The strikers are particularly disturbed by this accident since they all know how to shut off the belts in question. They had complained to management about the lack of a safety guard around the belts to prevent exactly this type of accident.

Mina is now home, but unable to walk--not to mention work. You can mail a donation to Rodrigo Mina at 2749 South Tripp, Chicago, IL  60623.

Strike support donations can be made online via Paypal at  http://www.ranknfile-ue.org or can be mailed to UE Local 1159 at 37 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL  60607. For more information visit the UE website at http://www.ranknfile-ue.org or call 312-829-8300.

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