
NEWS & LETTERS, March 2002 

Column: Our Life and Times by Kevin A. Barry and Mary Holmes

Lebanonization of Middle East conflict

Spurred on by one-sided Bush administration attacks on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Yasir Arafat, the reactionary Israeli government of Ariel Sharon has ringed Arafat's headquarters with tanks. Sharon has also stated publicly that he wishes he had killed Arafat during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. This was the same period during which Sharon orchestrated a major war crime, the Shatila massacre of over 800 Palestinian civilians.

Since the second Intifada began in September 2000, 900 Palestinians and 300 Israelis have been killed. In recent fighting, the U.S.-supplied Israeli army's ability to enter Palestinian areas and kill lightly armed resisters without suffering casualties has been severely challenged. A Palestinian bomb destroyed an Israeli tank in the Gaza Strip, killing three soldiers. In another unprecedented development, Palestinian fundamentalists launched a first-ever rocket attack into Israel from Gaza. This suggested that a long-term Lebanon-type war might now be in the cards.

Sharon's provocative actions have fed the growth of terrorism. The ship that was caught smuggling arms from fundamentalist Iran was one sign among many of growing links between the PA and Iran, which backs Hamas. Equally disturbing was the forced resignation of PA leader Sari Nusseibeh, who has challenged the demand that all refugees must return to their pre-1948 homes rather than to a Palestinian state, something that would effectively liquidate the State of Israel.

On a positive note, more than 200 Israeli reservists announced that they will refuse to serve any longer as occupiers of the West Bank or Gaza. In addition, the Israeli peace camp rallied more than 10,000 people to demand unconditional withdrawal from Palestinian lands, a rally addressed by Nusseibeh. (See story, page 10.) But these actions will not deter the war criminal Sharon, as long as he has the go-ahead from Bush.

—Feb. 18, 2002

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