
NEWS & LETTERS, August-September 2002

Gas bill muggings

Chicago--Don’t rejoice when you hear corporations like Enron and Arthur Anderson going down for corruption. You may be paying for it.

Peoples Energy, the virtual monopoly in the natural gas industry in Chicago, is showing its gratitude to those who went on strike and protested price increases by firing employees and cutting off those delinquent with their gas bills at a speedier rate.

To get service restored, the consumer has to pay the full bill plus a deposit--no exceptions. In addition, the company has enforced a “two strike, you’re out” payment plan within a year. During off winter season, the consumer must front 25% of the bill. During the winter season, consumers must pay 10% within seven days, so a $1000 bill must have $100 as a down payment.

If you miss this payment you have only one other time during the year to have an opportunity to not have your gas shut off. Consumers used to go months or years without getting their gas shut off on delinquent bills, but amidst corporate scandal, corporations are fighting back in more blatant ways. It’s as if the consumer is at fault for high prices and downsizing.

Now, when payment arrangements are not fulfilled and bills are overdue, you will receive a “friendly” phone call reminder. The nature of customer service is now based on “the corporation is always right.”

One employee who handled billing complaints was fired for signing over customer’s checks to her personal bank account. Instead of informing the customers, they were cut off faster. Employees are intimidated from future strike activities by increased firings.

Corporate abuse has long been ignored by the mainstream, and now that some examples of it have come to light, it is also time to expose how everyday social relations are poisoned within the corporate structure. Now, amidst retribution, it will be harder for consumers and workers to organize around this societal abuse.


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