
Views of world crisis from the Middle East, South Asia


Explore the roots of today's crises by taking a journey of discovery in
the Archives of Marxist- Humanism

Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya on revolution and counter-revolution in the
Middle East include:

  • The Syrian Revolt: The Cold War in the Middle East (October 1961)
  • The Arab-Israeli Collision, the World Powers, and the Struggle for the
    Minds of Men (June 1967)
  • Lebanon: The Test Not only of the PLO but the Whole Left (August 1976)
  • Iran: Unfoldment of, and Contradictions in, Revolution (March 1979), in
    Women's Liberation and the Dialectics of Revolution
  • Stop Carter's Drive for War (on the Russian invasion of Afghanistan)
    (March 1980)
  • Begin's Israel Moves Further and Further Backward to his Reactionary,
    Terrorist Beginnings (January 1982)
  • Letter to Hanna Batatu on revolutions in the Middle East (January 1986)
  • Reagan's Bombing of Libya and the Changed World (March 1986), in The
    Marxist-Humanist Theory of State-Capitalism

The Raya Dunayevskaya Collection and Supplement to the Raya Dunayevskaya
Collection contains over 15,000 pages of material documenting the
development of Marxist-Humanism. On deposit at Walter Reuther Library at
Wayne State University in Detroit, the collection is available at numerous
libraries on microfilm. Contact News & Letters to obtain these and other
writings in the collection.

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