
Cops vs. free speech

Chicago-If there ever was a need for a paper like News & Letters what
occurred on Oct. 18 at the Chicago Police Board meeting proved it to me

There was a small group of individuals who were to speak during the open
portion of the meeting to the Board, Superintendent Terry G. Hillard, and
Callie Baird, chief of the Office of Professional Standards. The sixth item
to be addressed on the agenda was "U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Assistance 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program."
Finance Director Frank Wilson spoke and answered one question. The question
came from a board member.

When it came time for the public to ask a question, the police officers who
were there for security started moving. No individuals went to speak. So
the Chicago Police Board approved the over $17,000,000 for the program.

The seventh item on the agenda was questions and comments from the public,
prior sign-up required by telephone. I had called to be on the list to
speak. I was the only individual not allowed to speak. My first amendment
right was taken not once, but twice.

I did have two issues of News & Letters with me, July and August-September,
with the two poems for the 11 year old girl beaten by the police, which the
Chicago Police Board members saw!

-George Wilfrid Smith Jr.

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