
Big Oil makes grab for Artic Wildlife Refuge

The push to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is
one of the best examples of how the right wing is using the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks as the pretext for advancing their reactionary,
destructive agenda. The House of Representatives quietly passed a provision
to open ANWR to oil companies, claiming that it was a question of "national
security" because the U.S. economy is dependent on oil imported from the
Middle East. Previously it was projected to take seven years to bring that
oil to market, but now Republicans claim-unrealistically-that it can be
done in one or two years.

Much of the time required would be to build a pipeline. Coincidentally,
last month in Alaska, one drunken fool with a rifle proved how very easy it
is to shut down an oil pipeline, spilling large amounts of toxic oil on the
tundra. Just imagine what a determined terrorist group could do. And they
call that security!

Environmentalists have argued for years that real energy security-not only
from war and terrorism but from environmental destruction-depends on
reducing fossil fuel use through conservation, energy efficiency and
development of renewable sources of energy, moving toward an
environmentally sustainable society. Bush's actual energy policy goes in
the opposite direction, focusing on increasing production of oil, coal,
natural gas and nuclear energy.

The environmental movement has fought hard to preserve the precious Arctic
wilderness, winning the support of the majority of the country. Yet many of
the Democrats are going along with Bush-not only due to their spineless
terror before the words "national security" but because of pressure from
the union bureaucracy, especially the Teamsters, whose president, Hoffa,
wants to claim he has delivered jobs to his members so he can cover up how
he has trampled the rank and file.

The United Auto Workers leaders have helped undermine the environmental
movement's push for higher gas mileage standards for SUVs and cars, after
the auto companies threatened they would respond with layoffs.

Once again the Republicans, Democrats, corporations and labor bureaucracy
have proved themselves to be slaves to the inner drive of capitalism for
more and more production, even at the expense of the environmental
conditions that are required for the future of humanity.

Just like peace, real environmental sustainability requires an end to the
slavery of workers, and humanity in general, to the dictates of
capital-that is, it requires a new, human society.

-Franklin Dmitryev

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