
News & Letters, June 2001

To our subscribers: Don't be confused!

A number of subscribers have recently asked what is our connection to a publication called FREEDOM VOICES. We wish to make it clear that NEWS & LETTERS and News and Letters Committees have no connection with this publication whatsoever.

It is published by individuals who left News and Letters Committees after our 2000 Convention. At that Convention, those now associated with this journal handed in a lengthy document which they demanded the membership immediately vote to approve for publication, even though they did not provide members with any copies to read ahead of time. When the Convention overwhelmingly voted to table the motion so that members could read and discuss the document, as provided for in the Constitution of News and Letters Committees, they left the organization rather than engage in any discussion.

We will be publishing a "Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives" in the August-September issue of NEWS & LETTERS, which will further develop our theoretical and practical work for the coming year. We remain committed to carrying on the Marxist-Humanist perspectives which we have practiced since our founding, and we invite you to deepen your dialogue with us.

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