
January/February 2001

Support Damian Williams!

Los Angeles-Damian (Football) Williams is the young man who was convicted in the Reginald Denny beating case during the 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion. Damian served five years in prison and ever since his release on parole, the 77th Street police station, an even more notorious part of the LAPD than the infamous Rampart Division, has been after him to try and put him back in prison. They have stopped and harassed him on many different occasions.

On July 19, 2000 Damian went to the 77th Street station to clear his name because he heard he was accused of a crime. When he got there he was arrested and accused of "shooting Grover Tenner in the back during a drug deal gone bad."

Later in August, a Tyron Killingsworth was arrested and accused of being the shooter and Damian was then accused of conspiring with him to rob Tenner. Now Damian is charged with first degree murder as an accomplice to Killingsworth while in the process of a robbery. If convicted, he would face the death penalty.

We are in need of your assistance in defending Damian. He is not guilty of this crime, and was only visiting the sister of the deceased, a childhood friend. He did NOT rob or kill anyone. It is part of the continuing harassment of the LAPD 77th Street police station.

The costs are high, so please help us to fight for justice for Damian Williams. We need to be able to make the strongest possible case for Damian's freedom. Please send your donations to Faith Christian Fellowship, 400 E. Palmer Ave., Compton, CA 90220. Make your tax-deductible check payable to "Faith Christian Fellowship." Our heartfelt thanks.

-Pastor Payne Le Vias, Judy Tanzawa, Georgiana Williams.
Committee to Defend Damian Williams

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