News & Letters,
December 2009
Permanent unemployment, capitalism's hallmark
The Nov. 6 announcement of a dramatic surge in U.S. unemployment to 10.2%--really 17% counting discouraged workers--brought home that far from this being an ordinary downturn, the economy has sunk into a deep structural morass.
Pakistan needs a revolution
The civilian population in much of Pakistan today is under attack by all parties to this conflict: the Taliban, the Pakistani government and the U.S. The arming of yet more tribal factions, under the advisement of the U.S., is not the answer. Deserving greater support are movements like the peasants of Hari who occupied the Karachi Press Club this year protesting land seizures. They represent a true mass movement for freedom and justice rooted in Pakistan's real history, as do the peasant women who confronted and blocked police attacks.
From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya
Letter to the Youth: Lévi-Strauss and the battle of ideas
On the occasion of the death of Claude Lévi-Strauss, we present Dunayevskaya's Aug. 13, 1983 "Letter to the Youth on the Needed Total Uprooting of the Old and the Creation of New Human Relations."
Iran: Secularism and social emancipation
The self-activity of the Iranian masses has generated a leap in self-consciousness--a whole new sense of what is possible. Had anyone, reformist or revolutionary, anticipated this new objective reality? Is there something inherently deficient in emancipatory theory that perpetually condemns it to arrive on the scene only after the fact? Can theory and practice ever be united?
An announcement and an invitation
We invite you to participate in a celebration of the life and work of Raya Dunayevskaya during the 2010 centenary of her birth.
NWSA's evolution
About 1,600 people, mostly women, participated in the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Conference in Atlanta, with over 360 workshops, papers and poster presentations.
Voicing the silent 'T'
In the transgender community, people say that in LGBTQ, the "T" is always silent. But I don't want to believe that.