
Will TodayŐs Economic Crisis Deepen?

What are the Possible Outcomes?

Capitalist and Post-Capitalist Society

MarxŐs conceptualization of contemporary social relations as capitalist society emerged through his dialectical confrontation with a range of HegelŐs notions found in texts from the Phenomenology of Mind through the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Marx developed what he called a "new humanism"; he conceived post-capitalist society as a "determinate negation", the dialectic of the actual and the possible.

  • Does economic crisis inevitably end in stabilization and capitalist recovery?
  • What is the Marxist concept of post-capitalist society?
  • Where do we look for its sources?
  • Given contemporary social relations, is a post-capitalist society possible?

Marxist-Humanism today aims to deepen the dialogue on these questions.

Talk by Russell Rockwell*

Monday, July 13, 7p.m.


44 E. 32nd Street (Between Madison and Park Ave. S.) 11th Floor

Free admission. Open discussion

Sponsored by New York News & Letters Committees


* See, "Freedom, Necessity, and Post-Capitalist Society" by Russell Rockwell, June-July, 2008 News & Letters

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