

This Press release came to the ProLibertad freedom Campaign a week ago (in early June). This is a translated copy for folks to read, and forward.

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign:


Bronx 718-601-4751
Manttan 212-927-9065
New Jersey 201-435-3244



Press Release  

Jose Solís Jordan, Puerto Rican political prisoner, has informed us today at 7:30 this morning that he has been placed in yet another jail while "in transit", this time in Oklahoma. From May 21 until Monday, June 3 he was in Atlanta. The conditions in which he found himself in Atlanta were inhuman: he was put in solitary confinement (or "the hole" as it is known) in an area that dates back to 1902. He barely ate or slept. He was isolated from the general prison population in an action that not even the jail guards could understand because his papers all indicated that Jose was supposed to be going to a "half-way house" in Puerto Rico, which is a minimum security unit. Now in Oklahoma the conditions are better but he continues to be without much communication and has not arrived in his homeland, Puerto Rico.

All this absurd "transit" to which Solís is being subjected, can only be understood if we examine the facts: Jose Solís has remained firm in his convictions; he has not "cooperated" with the FBI as they want (so that they can fabricate cases against other innocent people who are pro-independence activists) and has not lost his sensibilities or compassion yet, even, towards his oppressors.

This has been the history of this companero during his three years and three months of imprisonment. At this moment and ironically, he cannot even communicate by telephone with his wife, nor his sisters and the calls are returned. Why? He has only been able to speak to his parents and to my family and during very restricted times.

We demand that the block they put on calls to his family be ended and that Jose Solís be sent to Puerto Rico immediately, where he is supposed to be: in a federal building, but in his HOMELAND. Jose was accused without EVIDENCE, of conspiracy and he was arrested in 1997. Later in a trial that lasted two (weeks, the verdict was guilty WITHOUT EVIDENCE and because of the false testimony and lies which were exposed in court by an FBI informant by the name of Rafael Marrero an agent provocateur. Since the verdict on March 12, 1999, until now he has been incarcerated and have been mistreated, he has been lied to and has even been made "dubious" and "bogus" offers. The companero has a true boricua spirit: his nobility and strength, like his friends and family have been his best weapons.

Nellie Zambrana, Spokeperson of UPRASO


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