
Hunger Strike Against Sweatshops

Students at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. are on hunger strike. Their goal is to make the university sign on to protocols which would spell out better working conditions in the manufacture of the school's Purdue-brand of apparel.

A rally to support adoption of the protocols, known as the Designated Supplier Program, and the hunger strikers will take place on Weds., Nov. 6, 10:30 a.m. to Noon, in Memorial Hall at Purdue University. Featured speakers will include Ken Zeller, president of the Indiana AFL-CIO.

A hunger strike writes:

On Wednesday Dec. 6, we're going to be on the 20th day of the hunger strike and, to my knowledge, we will be breaking the record for student hunger strikes. I don't think I have to stress how serious the situation is at this point. Suffice to say, people's health is at great risk and we need your support.

Don't forget that the entire purpose of the hunger strike is to show the timeliness of the issue. Workers are losing their jobs, and in some cases, their lives. Every day that Purdue drags its feet, the situation on the ground in apparel factories is getting worse.

"Taking more time to think about it" literally means taking away lives and livelihoods. So in support of garment workers around the world and the campaign at Purdue, please make it out to the rally, bring some friends, forward this message, and RSVP via facebook (and invite more people), http://purdue.facebook.com/event.php?eid=2222294451. Send letters of support to purdue_ole@yahoo.com.

Thanks so much,


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