
The Overthrow of Aristitide and the U.S.'s Intervention

March 3, 2004

The overthrow of Aristide in Haiti and the rise to power of a former leader of the Haitian military, Guy Philippe, is clearly a setback to leftist forces and is sure to deepen the crisis in that troubled island. Already there are reports of Aristide supporters and rank-and-file activists being murdered by the reactionary forces taking control of Port-Au-Prince, and more outrages are sure to follow. At the same time, the events of the past several weeks reveal the utter hyprocrisy and lies which characterize the Bush administration. In the very period when Bush claimed that he was waging war in Iraq in order to bring "democracy" to the Middle East, his administration did whatever it could to help bring down one of the only democratically elected governments in the history of Haiti. From the moment he took office Bush cut off economic aid to impoverished Haiti and supported reactionary forces opposed to Aristide. And for months he refused repeated requests from both the Haitia! n gove! rnment and the Congressional Black Caucus for the U.S. or the UN to provide peace-keeping troops to Haiti-only to send hundreds of troops into Haiti within hours of Aristide's departure!

The greatest tragedy of all in the recent events is that one of the most radical alternatives to come to power in the Western Hemisphere in the past two decades made itself vulnerable to the counter-revolution by failing to mobilize the masses, involve them in government decisions and debates, and meet their most elementary social needs. Many of the policies pursued by Aristide led to the erosion of his active support from the masses, which left the door open for the forces of the old regime, the military, and the death squads to return to power.

The meaning of the latest tragedy will be discussed in News and Letters Committees in the coming weeks, and in the April News & Letters. We welcome our participation.

--The Resident Editorial Board

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