
December 2005

May Day lives in Iran... Free the labor activists of Saqiz!

The courts of injustice of the bourgeois government of Iran have sentenced a number of prominent labor movement activists to several years in prison or prison followed by exile. Their crime is the attempt to hold an event on May Day in 2004. These workers are the ones who were arrested at the gathering for International Workers’ Day on May 1, 2004 at the Children’s Park in the city of Saqiz, and then sent to the dungeons. According to the rulings issued by the courts of injustice, Mahmud Salehi, the spokesman for the Coordinating Committee for the Creation of a Workers’ Organization has been sentenced to 5 years in prison and 2 years in exile. Jalal Husseini has been sentenced to 3 years in prison. Mohsen Hakimi, Muhammad Abdipur and Borhan Divargar who are other prominent figures in the workers’ movement have been sentenced to 2 years in prison each.

The issuance of these rulings against workers, is an indivisible part of a record of atrocities committed by the bourgeoisie against humanity on a world scale. This crime in Iranian society is a link in the chain of unending crimes, atrocities, and violence committed by the reactionary government of Islamic capitalism in the past 25 years.

We strongly condemn the murderous measures of the bourgeois courts of injustice against workers and demand an immediate and unconditional revocation of all the rulings.


Coordinating Committee for the Creation of a Workers' Organization


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