
News and Letters Committees, Chicago, invites you to a meeting on:

Specter of revolution stalks Iran's theocratic rulers

Speaker: Gerry Emmett, author of "Israel's war on Gaza shows need for a total uprooting," and "Specter of revolution stalks Iran"

Date: Monday June 29

Time: 6:30 PM

Place: News & Letters Library

228 S. Wabash, Room 230

Chicago, IL 60604

From the new issue of News & Letters:

With many in the opposition trying to follow the forms of that era, as in the nightly rooftop chants of "Allahu Akbar!" and commemorations of martyrs--it is time to address the contradictory meaning of the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

As Raya Dunayevskaya, the founder of Marxist-Humanism, pointed out, the ambivalent role of Shi'a clerics in the Iranian revolution goes back to IranŐs Constitutional Revolution of 1906-11. They did support the first stage of that Revolution, but "...once a democratic Constitution was created, the clergy began burdening it with the type of amendments that restored most powers to the Shah once the foreign enemy was thrown out...The second chapter of that first revolution, as the second chapter of the 1979 Revolution, was begun by women."

The great need of revolutionaries in Iran and elsewhere was to take responsibility for a philosophy of liberation that would brook no compromises with the clerics, or with any others who would limit the striving for full freedom. What was needed was that philosophy of revolution that would initiate the road to a classless society on truly new humanist beginnings. This is not merely an abstract question.

Free and open discussion to follow presentation.

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