
News & Letters Committees invites you to a movie and discussion of:

From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion

Date: July 13, 2009

Time: 6:30 PM

Place: News & Letters Library

228 S. Wabash, Room 230

Chicago, IL 60604

The tragedy of the murder of Dr. George Tiller makes it imperative to understand the history of the fight for abortion rights in the U.S. Thus we invite you to view and discuss, "From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion." This award-winning movie weaves together two parallel stories: the evolution of underground networks that helped women find safe abortions outside the law, and the intensive efforts by activists and legislators to decriminalize abortion through legislative and judicial channels. The film combines rare archival footage with interviews that document the courageous efforts of those who fought to break the silence, change the laws and end the imposed shame which surrounded abortion when it was illegal.

Free and open.

For more information call 312-431-8242; visit www.newsandletters.org; or email us at: arise@newsandletters.org

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