Pugatchev Rebellion of Cossacks and peasants.
Dekabrist (Decembrist) uprising against czarism led by liberal officers.
The Communist Manifesto published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The foundation of revolutionary socialism or communism
Peasant Reform; abolition of serfdom in Russia.
“The International” (first international organisation of socialist workers) established by Marx and others.
The Paris Commune.
Plekhanov publishes first pamphlet introducing Marxian socialism into Russia.
The Revolution of 1905 in Russia. First organisation of soviets by Russian workers.
(January 9) "Bloody Sunday": workers led by Father Gapon and carrying a petition to the czar [Nicholas II], are mowed down by the czar’s troops.
(August 1) – World War begins. Germany declares war against Russia.
(November 4) – Bolshevik deputies in the State Duma arrested and sent to Siberia
(April) – Russian revolutionary internationalist paper, Nashe Slovo, appears in Paris with Trotsky on the editorial staff.
(September) – International socialist congress in Zimmerwald, Switzerland.
(May) – Second Congress of socialist internationalists at Kienthal.
(January 9) – Street meetings and a printers’ strike celebrate the anniversary of “Bloody Sunday”
(February 14) – The last State Duma assembles.
(February 23) – Celebration of International Woman’s Day begins the revolution.
(February 24) – Two hundred thousand workers on strike in Petrograd.
(February 25) – General strike in Petrograd. Shootings and arrests of revolutionists.
(February 26) Duma dissolved by the czar [Nicholas II]. The deputies disperse but decide not to leave town.(February 28) – Arrest of the czar’s ministers.Tens of thousands of workers in the streets.
Mutiny of the Guard regiments.
Formation of the Soviet of Workers’ deputies.
Formation of Provisional Committee of the Duma.(March 1) – Order No. 1 is issued to the soldiers.Capture of Schlusselberg Prison.
First issue of Izvestia – “The News of the Soviet.”(March 2) – The czar abdicates in favour of the Grand Duke Mikhail.Formation of the soldiers’ section of the Soviet.
First session of the Moscow Soviet.(March 3) – The Grand Duke Mikhail abdicates.The Provisional Government is formed by the Provisional Committee of the Duma, with the support of the Soviet and with Kerensky a Minister of Justice.(March 5) – the first issue of Pravda, central organ of the Bolshevik Party.The Provisional Government announces the revolution to the world by radio.
(March 6) – The Provisional Government declares amnesty for political prisoners.
(March 8) – The czar arrested at Moghilie.
(March 14) – Address of the Soviet To the people of the whole world declaring for peace without annexations or indemnities.
(March 23) – Funeral of the martyrs of the revolution.
(March 29) – All-Russian conference of the Soviets.
(April 3) – Lenin, Zinoviev and other Bolshevik arrive from Switzerland.
(April 4) – Lenin’s April Theses outlining his policy of prôletarian revolution.
(April 18) – Celebration of the international socialist holiday of May 1.(April 20) – Armed demonstrations of protest against the note of Miliukov— the “April Days”Foreign Minister Miliukov sends a note to the Allies promising war to victory on the old terms.
(April 24) – Beginning of an All-Russian conference of the Bolshevik Party.
(May 1) – The Petrograd Soviet votes for a coalition government.
(May 2) – Miliukov resigns.
(May 4) – Trotsky arrives from America, seconding the policies of Lenin.(May 5) – Coalition government is organised with Kerensky as Minister of War.An All-Russian Congress of Peasants’ Deputies opens in Petrograd.
(May 17) – The Kronstadt Soviet declares itself the sole governing power in Kronstadt.
(May 25) – All-Russian Congress of the Social Revolutionary party.
(May 30) – First conference of factory and shop committees opens in Petrograd.
(June 3) – First All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
(June 16) – Kerensky orders Russian armies to take the offensive.
(June 18) – A demonstration called by the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries turns out to be a Bolshevik demonstration.
(June 19) – Patriotic demonstration on Nevsky Prospect, carrying portrait of Kerensky.
(July 3-5) – “July Days” – semi-insurrection followed by attempted stamping out of Bolshevism in Petrograd.
Note: Russian dates are given according to the old (Julian) calender. Add 13 days to find the date according to the (Gregorian) calender that is now international.
Last updated on: 21.2.2007