Marx-Engels Subject Archive
Marx and Engels on Religion
Source: Marx and Engels on Religion, Progress Publ., Moscow 1957.
Additional referencs omitted by Progress Publishers have been included.
Foreword to Marx’s Thesis. Natural Philosophy of Epicurus, 1841
The Leading Article of K�lnische Zeitung, Rheinische Zeitung July 1842
Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
On the Jewish Question, 1844 Marx
The Holy Family. Marx and Engels. from Chapter 6.
Theses on Feuerbach. Marx 1845
German Ideology. Marx and Engels 1845:
- Connection with production;
- Consciousness is a social product;
- Starting out from the material production of life itself.
The Communism of the Rheinische Beobachter, 1847
Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848.
Review of Religion of the New Age. Neue Rheinische Zeitung Revue, 1850
The Peasant War in Germany. Engels, 1850
Engels To Marx. Approx, 24 May 1853
Marx To Engels. 2 June 1853
Engels To Marx. 6 June 1853Anti-Church Movement — Demonstration in Hyde Park, Marx June 1855
Capital, Volume I.
- The religious world is but the reflex of the real world
- Darwin has interested us in the history of Nature's Technology
- The Plagiarism of Malthus
Refugee Literature. Engels 1874. Extract from II. Volkstaat 26 June 1874
Critique of the Gotha Program. Marx 1875. Freedom of Conscience
Anti-D�hring. Engels 1877.
Dialectics of Nature. Engels 1873-86
Natural Science and the Spirit World
The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man.
Notes and FragmentsBruno Bauer and Early Christianity. Engels, May 1882
The Book of Revelations. Engels 1883
Ludwig Feuerbach and End of Classical German Philosophy. Engels 1886
Lawyers' Socialism. Engels Die Neue Zeit No. 2 1887
Engels To Bloch. 21-22 September 1890
Engels To Conrad Schmidt. 27 October 1890
Socialism Utopian & Scientific. Engels
- General Introduction to English Edition of 1892
- Introduction to English Edition. On the Role of Religion
The History of Early Christianity. Engels Die Neue Zeit, 1894-5