Marx & Engels Collected Works: Volume 27
Volume 27
Frederick Engels Works
February 1890-April 1895
The Elections of 1890 in Germany 3 What Now? 7 The Foreign Policy of Russian Tsardom 11 13 21 29 On Anti-Semitism 50 Preface to the Fourth German Edition (1890) of the Manifesto of the Communist Party 53 May 4 in London 61 Draft of a Reply to the Editors of the S�chsische Arbeiter-Zeitung 67 Reply to the Editors of the S�chsische Arbeiter-Zeitung 69 The International Workers' Congress of 1891 72 Farewell Letter to the Readers of the Sozialdemokrat 76 Reply to Mr. Paul Ernst 80 To the Editors of the Berliner Volksblatt 86 To the National Council of the French Workers' Party 87 To the Editors of the Arbeiter-Wochen-Chronik and N�pszava in Budapest 89 To the Members of the Executive of the Communist German Workers' Educational Society 91 Preface to Karl Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme 92 In the Case of Brentano Versus Marx. Regarding Alleged Falsification of Quotation. The Story and Documents 95 99 103 106 110 113 118 122 132 132 135 155 164 Greetings to the French Workers on the 20th Anniversary of the Paris Commune 177 Introduction to Karl Marx's The Civil War in France 179 Re: the Spanish Edition of Karl Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy 192 To the Committee for the International Meeting for the Claims of Labour 193 Introduction to Karl Marx's Wage Labour and Capital (1891 Edition) 194 Preface to the Fourth Edition of Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 202 To the Early History of the Family (Bachofen, McLennan, Morgan) 203 Message of Greetings to the Second Austrian Party Congress 215 A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Programme of 1891 217 219 225 III. Economic Demands
230 231 The Brussels Congress. The Situation in Europe 233 The Brussels Congress
233 The Situation in Europe
233 Socialism in Germany 235 I.
237 II.
241 To the Editors of the Volksfreund 251 The Covering Letter to the Statement to the Editor, Daily Chronicle Office 252 The Late Madam Karl Marx 253 To the Choir Club of the Communist German Workers' Educational Society. Tottenham Street 254 To the Committee of the Communist German Workers' Educational Society 256 Preface to the 1892 English Edition of The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 257 Reply to the Honourable Giovanni Bovio 270 Preface to the Polish Edition (1892) of the Manifesto of the Communist Party 273 Greetings to the French Workers on the Occasion of the 21st Anniversary of the Paris Commune 275 Preface to the Second German Edition of Karl Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy 277 Introduction to the English Edition (1892) of Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 278 To the Third Austrian Party Congress in Vienna 303 Carl Schorlemmer 304 Preface to the Second German Edition (1892) of The Condition of the Working-Class in England 307 On Certain Peculiarities in England's Economic and Political Development 324 To the National Council of the Socialist Workers' Party of Spain 326 Addenda to the Biography 328 The American Presidential Election 329 Marx, Heinrich Karl 332 To the Editors of the Berliner Volks-Tribune 344 Letter to a Member of the Committee of the Communist German Workers' Educational Society 347 A Newly-Discovered Case of Group Marriage 348 To the Workers' Educational Association of Vienna 352 To the Executive Committee of the Social-Democratic Party of Hungary 353 On the Latest Caper of the Paris Police 354 The Italian Panama 356 I.
356 II.
358 III.
360 To the Italian Reader 365 Can Europe Disarm? 367 Foreword
371 I
372 II
374 III
377 IV
381 V
383 VI
386 VII
388 VIII
390 To the German Workers on May Day 1893 394 To the Austrian Workers on May Day 1893 396 For the Czech Comrades on Their May Day Celebration 398 Nonetheless 399 To the Spanish Workers on May Day 1893 400 To the Editorial Board of the Bulgarian Magazine Sotsial-Demokrat 402 To Czech Social Democrats 403 Closing Speech at the International Socialist Workers' Congress in Zurich. August 12, 1893 404 Speech at a Social-Democratic Meeting in Vienna on September 14, 1893 406 To Czech Socialist Workers. To the Editorial Board of the Socialny Demokrat in Prague 408 Speech at a Social-Democratic Meeting in Berlin on September 22, 1893 409 To the Cologne Congress of the Social-Democratic Party of Germany 411 To the German Workers' Educational Society in London 412 To the International Congress of Socialist Students 413 Preface to the Pamphlet Internationales aus dem "Volksstaat" (1871-75) 414 Introductory Note (1894) to The Bakuninists at Work 419 Afterword (1894) to "On Social Relations in Russia" 421 The Third Volume of Karl Marx's Capital 434 On the Contents of the Third Volume of Capital 435 The Future Italian Revolution and the Socialist Party 437 To the National Council of the French Workers' Party on the Occasion of the 23rd Anniversary of the Paris Commune 441 To the Fourth Austrian Party Congress 442 To the Executive of the Social-Democratic Party of Hungary on the Third Party Congress 443 On the History of Early Christianity 445 447 452 460 To the English Socialist and Working Men's Organisations 470 To the Third Congress of the Socialist Party of the Italian Working People 472 Greetings to the Socialists of Sicily 474 Conditions for a Loan for the Founding of the Daily Arbeiter-Zeitung 476 International Socialism and Italian Socialism 477 Letter to the Editors of the Vorw�rts 479 The Peasant Question in France and Germany 481 485 494 On the Fourth Volume of Karl Marx's Capital 503 To the German Workers' Educational Society in London 504 Message of Greetings to the Austrian Workers on the Daily Publication of the Arbeiter-Zeitung 505 Introduction to Karl Marx's The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 (1895) 506 To the Executive of the German Workers' Educational Society in London 525 To the Committee of the Independent Labour Party 526
An Old Friend of Labour 529 Engels, Frederick 530 Interview of Frederick Engels by the Correspondent of L'�clair on April 1, 1892 533 Biographical Article on Engels 539 Record of Frederick Engels' Speech at a Meeting to Commemorate the Paris Commune 541 Message of May Day Greetings to the Austrian Workers. 1893 542 Interview of Frederick Engels by the Correspondent of Le Figaro on May 11, 1893 543 Interview of Frederick Engels by the Daily Chronicle Correspondent at the End of June 1893 549
Notes and Indexes
Notes 557 Name Index 637 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 659 Index of Periodicals 677 Subject Index 682 Glossary of Geographical Names 699
Title page of the German edition (1890) of the Manifesto of the Communist Party 55 First page of F. Engels' manuscript A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Programme of 1891 221 Half-title of the English edition of Socialism: Utopian and Scientific presented by Engels to F. A. Sorge 279 Title page of the English edition of Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 280 Title page of the English edition of The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 309 Reverse of the title page of The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 presented by Engels to Eleanor Marx-Aveling 310 List of K. Marx's works drawn up by F. Engels 333 List of F. Engels' works drawn up by himself 337 List of F. Engels' works drawn up by himself (continued) 338 Title page of the Italian edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party presented to Engels by F. Turati 363 Title page of the pamphlet Can Europe Disarm? 369 Cover of Internationales aus dem " Volksstaat" (1871-75) 415 Title page of Internationales aus dem "Volksstaat" (1871-75) presented by Engels to Dr. Rudolf Meyer 416