Works of Karl Marx 1860

To the Editors of the Volks-Zeitung,

Source: MECW, Volume 17, p. 12;
Published: in the Volks-Zeitung, February 10, 1860; in the supplement to the K�lnische Zeitung, February 10, 1860; in Die Reform, No. 18, February 11, 1860; in the supplement to the Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 48, February 17, 1860 (with alterations)a and in other German papers.

I hereby make it known that I have taken steps preparatory to instituting legal proceedings for libel against the Berlin National-Zeitung in connection with the leading articles in Nos. 37 and 41 regarding Vogt’s pamphlet Mein Prozess gegen die Allgemeine Zeitung. I reserve the right to answer Vogt in writing at a later date since this requires putting a number of questions to people not at present in Europe.

For the moment then I shall say only this:

1. To judge by the anthology in the National-Zeitung — strangely the book itself has up to now been unobtainable in London either from booksellers or the acquaintances to whom Herr Vogt had earlier sent his so-called Studien — Vogt’s concoction is merely the elaboration of a sketch that he published nine months ago in his private Moniteur, the Biel Handels-Courier. At the time I had his lampoon published in London without comment. Such a simple procedure was sufficient here, where the situations and personalities are well known, to. provide a judgment on the Herr Professor.

2. The pretext which led Herr Vogt to launch his campaign against me, like the pretext for the Italian campaign, was an “idea”. I was alleged to be the author of the anonymous pamphlet Zur Warnung. From the enclosed circular’ in English, which I have had published here, you will see that I have taken steps to compel Herr Blind and consorts either to concede the falseness of that pretext by their silence, or to be convicted of it by an English court.

Karl Marx
February 6, 1860

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