Marx-Engels Correspondence 1855
Source: MECW Volume 39, p. 547;
First published: abridged in Der Wechsel zwischen F. Engels, und K. Marx, 1913 and in full in Marx and Engels, Works, 1929.
3 York Place, Denmark Street
(not Hill, which is merely the general name for the whole place)
Dear Engels,
You may already have read about the death of our friend Daniels in the K�lnische Zeitung. He is no more nor less than a victim of the infamies of the Prussian Police. I shall be writing a few lines to his wife, and you must do the same. Address: Frau Doktorin Amalie Daniels, Schildergasse, K�ln. It would be desirable if Lupus did likewise. I know by experience how welcome letters from friends are at such a time. I shall write a short obituary of our poor friend for the Tribune. So far as the German-American Press is concerned, I think the best plan would be to insert in the New York Neue Zeit (nominally edited by Bernhardt, in fact by L�we of Calbe) a brief obituary notice signed by you, Freiligrath, Lupus and myself. Also to denounce the proceedings against B�rgers.
You will have heard that O'Connor died a few days ago.
Jones’ wife is mortally ill. The poor devil is at this moment in desperate circumstances.
A steamer is leaving on Tuesday. It is essential in the case of Putnam’s that the thing should be in New York by 10th October at the latest. Have you received the copy that was sent you? Those inane bits of hair-splitting did not appear in the Tribune but in The New-York Times, the rival paper. As for Aldershot, the business was simply as follows: About a fortnight ago 2 privates were sentenced, one to 50 lashes, the other to 30, for ‘disrespectful’ behaviour towards their superiors. As is often the case, the cat-o'-nine-tails was steeped in urine. The first man had to be sent to hospital after receiving 40 lashes, and the second died shortly after receiving 30. There would appear to be no further question of an inquiry.
In The Morning Advertiser, Blind continues ‘to shake the despotic powers of Europe to their very foundations’.
A German rag has reappeared in London, the actual r�dacteur en chef being the ill-famed Sigmund Engl�nder, of Paris police memory. Chief contributors: Ronge, the Russian Herzen and a drunkard by the name of Korn, allegedly an ex-captain.
K. M.