Marx-Engels Correspondence 1855
Source: MECW Volume 39, p. 528;
First published: abridged in Der Wechsel zwischen F. Engels, und K. Marx, 1913 and in full in Marx and Engels, Works, 1929.
Dear Engels,
Musch has been improving visibly for the past few days and the doctor sees every reason for hope. If all goes well, Musch must go into the country straight away. He is, of course, terribly weak and wasted. The fever is got rid of and the constipation considerably abated. The real question now is whether his constitution is strong enough to undergo the whole treatment. However, I think it is. As soon as the doctor says he is out of danger, I shall come and visit you.
Dronke has arrived here and is applying for Freiligrath’s post, Freiligrath having definitely broken with his principal.
You must forgive me for not writing more than these few lines. I am dog-tired from the long night vigils, since I am Musch’s nurse.
Warmest regards from the whole family, Musch included.
Tell Lupus that Furrer, the Swiss with whom he used to be in touch, has gone bankrupt and actually done his resident tutor out of �14.
Vale faveque.
Tous tuus,
K. M.