Marx-Engels Correspondence 1854
Source: Marx Engels On Literature and Art, Progress Publishers, 1976;
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden;
Dear Frederick!
In studying the Spanish rubbish I have also worked out the tricks of the worthy Chateaubriand, that fine writer who combines the aristocratic scepticism and Voltairianism of the 18th century with the aristocratic sentimentalism and romanticism of the 19th in the most repellent fashion. Naturally, this combination was bound, in terms of style, to be epoch-making in France, although even in the style the falsity often hits one in the eye, despite all the artistic tricks. As for his political views, this fellow has completely revealed himself in his Congr�s de Verone and the only question is whether he received hard cash from Alexander Pavlovich or was bought simply with flatteries, to which this vain fop is more susceptible than anyone.