Marx-Engels Correspondence 1852
Source: MECW Volume 39, p. 37;
First published: in Der Briefwechsel zwischen F. Engels and K. Marx, 1913.
I shall write to you at length on Saturday. Only a few lines today.
I have not yet received the money that was promised me from home and so have not yet been able to hand over your �2 to Pieper, but have told him I have had a few lines from you in which you informed me that I should be receiving money for him from you. I hope I shall be able to pay him before the week is out.
If your time is very much taken up, you would certainly do better to write for Dana than for Jones. The enclosed letter from Weydemeyer will show you even more plainly how essential it is not to interrupt these articles [Engels, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany]. What must be done now is to redouble our attacks in the Tribune on the Frankfurt Left, especially when you come to the ‘March Association’. To help you, I am today sending you Bauer’s book in which at least a few facts are to be found.
I again pray you to send me the issues of the ‘Tribune’ by return, since Johnson is the only Englishman to whom I can turn when in extremis — and I hover constantly on the brink. Don’t forget it this time!
How is it that Weydemeyer has not received a single one of your articles [England]? You must set an inquiry on foot.
K. M.