Letters of Marx and Engels, 1846

Engels To Marx [123]
In Brussels

Source: MECW Volume 38 p. 88;
Written: 2 November 1846;
First published: in Der Briefwechsel zwischen F. Engels und K. Marx, 1913.

Paris, 2 November 1846
23, rue de Lille

Where is the long letter you promised so long ago? Make sure you send Bernays the manuscript, he only needs what you have[124] since he still has the printed stuff. He has sent nothing to America; whatever may have appeared there was printed without his knowledge or consent. [K. L. Bernays, Das entschleierte Geheimniss der Criminal-Justiz. Eine kommunistische Anschauungsweise, Der Volks-Tribun, 27 June and 4 July 1846] However a lot of copies were printed, and some may have gone as presents from Leske to all points of the compass. We shall investigate the matter. Perhaps through Grün or Börnstein. I have written to Switzerland about the manuscripts, [reference to The German Ideology] but it would seem that the cur [J. M. Schläpter] has no intention of replying.[125] Apart from him, there’s no one but Jenni; I've played a prank on him and would rather not write, enclose a short note for the fellow in your next. I shall send it on, but it’s only for form’s sake, the fellow’s almost certain to refuse. The first man wrote to published a short pamphlet by Bernays [Rothschild. Ein Urtheilsspruch vom menschlichen Standpunkte aus], but even if he does take the thing, it would appear, à ce qu'écrit Püttmann, that he is bankrupt. Voilà. I despair of Switzerland. Good advice costs money. Things being what they are, we shall certainly not get rid of 2 volumes together. At most 2 volumes to 2 different publishers. Write about this as well.


I have only just read what the little man [Karl Ludwig Bernays] has written above about his flight from solitude. It’s a good thing we've got him here. He is gradually cheering up again. Greetings to the whole boutique.