The Nascent Trend of Imperialist Economism |
60k |
Reply to P. Kievsky (Y. Pyatakov) |
23k |
A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
- The Marxist Attitude
Towards War and “Defence of the
- “Our
Understanding of the New Era”
- What Is Economic
- The Example of Norway
- "Monism and
- The Other Political Issues
Raised and Distorted by
P. Kievsky
- Conclusion.
Alexinsky Methods
1380k |
The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution
§ I
§ II
53k |
Lost in a Wood of Three Trees |
10k |
Greetings to the Italian Socialist Party Congress |
26k |
The “Disarmament” Slogan
§ I
§ II
§ IV
33k |
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism
57k |
Speech at the Congress of the Social-Democratic Party of Switzerland, November 4, 1916 |
17k |
A Separate Peace |
28k |
Ten “Socialist” Ministers! |
12k |
Tasks of the Left Zimmerwaldists in the Swiss Social-Democratic Party
I. Attitude
Towards the War and Towards the Bourgeois
Government in General
II. The
High Cost of Living and the Intolerable
Economic Conditions of the Masses
III. Pressing Democratic Reforms
and Utilisation of the Political Struggle and
IV. The
Immediate Tasks of Party Propaganda,
Agitation and Organisation
V. International Tasks of the Swiss
42k |
Theses on the Attitude of the Swiss Social-Democratic Party Towards the War |
13k |
Principles Involved in the War Issue |
31k |
On the Defence of the Fatherland Issue |
7k |
The Youth International
A Review
19k |
Efforts to Whitewash Opportunism |
16k |
The Chkheidze Faction and Its Role |
21k |