V. I.   Lenin



Written: Written on May 15, 1922
Published: First published in 1942 in Lenin Miscellany XXXIV. Printed from the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, pages 547b-549a.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Comrade Smolyaninov:

I have to reprove you and Comrade Zaks—with the warning that stricter penalties will be applied next time—over the fact that having checked up on the work of Comrade Ulrikh, who for several months now has been following the   execution of the C.P.C. and C.L.D. decisions, I discovered immense disorder.

The card, which is here enclosed, defines the form and order of Comrade Ulrikh’s work. You will see, however, that this is not being fulfilled; neither you nor Zaks have seen to this, although it is your primary duty to do so. I have instructed Comrade Ulrikh to fill in the card with the strictest accuracy, severely to the point of pedantism.

I charge you, together with Comrade Zaks, to secure the most precise fulfilment of this; if Comrade Ulrikh fails to learn, she should he replaced, and an absolutely accurate worker found.

The enclosed cards show that Comrade Fotieva has also started, like Comrade Ulrikh, to alter the card on her own. This I absolutely do not allow. Only deputy chairmen, by their joint signatures, have the right to prescribe or permit any alteration of the card. Any other alterations should entail dismissal from office.

It is better to verify only a part of the C.P.C. and C.L.D. decisions (as marked off by the deputies or business manager), but they should be verified with pedantic accuracy.

It is the duty of every People’s Commissar at once to appoint several comrades with responsibility for verifying execution (business manager, his assistant; secretary, his assistant, etc.) and to communicate their names to the C.P.C. and C.L.D. business manager. For negligence these persons should be relentlessly punished by arrest or dismissed by order of the deputies. For carelessness, a People’s Commissar should be punished by a reprimand, simple or with entry in his Party card. To watch over this—most strictly—is the duty of the C.P.C. business manager, and I will not hesitate to dismiss him from his post, unless he fulfils this with pedantic precision.

The task is to teach the People’s Commissariats to be accurate, jailing and dismissing the careless workers.

What has been said about the People’s Commissariats applies to all the separate institutions (State Planning Commission, Central Statistical Board, Concessions Committee, People’s Commissariat for Internal Trade, etc.) and to the gubernia executive committees, regional economic conferences, etc.

You and Zaks shall have the duty twice a month to write me (briefly, in telegraphic style) about how the accurate verification of execution is organised. Failure to do so will entail dismissal.

I enclose the cards filled in by Comrade Fotieva (which she has done carelessly and inadmissibly) and the clean cards corrected by me: don’t dare dirty them, don’t dare make any unnecessary entries, don’t dare make the slightest departures. Otherwise, I shall sack both the secretaries and all the business managers.

Show this paper to both deputies at once. Have them sign (before my departure, i.e., within not more than 3 or 4 days) a most precise order on how, in accordance with my instructions, they are to verify execution, fill in the cards, and punish for carelessness.

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Chairman, C.P.C.


[1] Over the text Lenin wrote: “Have this retyped on a letterhead in 4 copies and let me sign it. 15/V. Lenin.”—Ed.

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