V. I.   Lenin



Written: Written on May 11, 1922
Published: First published in part in 1934 in the book, A. M. Nikolayev, Lenin i radio (Lenin and Radio), Moscow. Published in full in 1965 in Collected Works, Fifth (Russian) Ed., Vol. 54. Printed from a typewritten text signed by Lenin.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, pages 545-546a.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Comrade Dovgalevsky
Copy to the C.P.C. Managing Department

Comrade Dovgalevsky:

I read in Izvestia today that the Nizhni-Novgorod City Soviet has petitioned the All-Russia C.E.C. to award the Order of the Red Banner of Labour to the Nizhni-Novgorod Radio Laboratory, and to enter the names of Prof.  Bonch-Bruyevich and Prof. Vologdin on the Honour Board.

Let me know your opinion. I, for my part, would consider it necessary to support the petition.

Incidentally, in connection with your letter to me, please let me know whether you are quite satisfied with the work of the Nizhni-Novgorod Radio Laboratory; also send me, if possible, the briefest comment from Bonch-Bruyevich about the progress of his work in making the megaphones capable of broadcasting to the masses what comes in over the wireless telephone. This work is of exceptional importance for us because its success, which Bonch-Bruyevich promised long ago, would be of enormous benefit to agitation and propaganda.

It is necessary, therefore, to make some sacrifices to back this work. In particular, I have heard that in America such work has already resulted in practical success.

There should be a check to see whether the Nizhni-Novgorod Radio Laboratory has at its disposal all the latest American literature on this question.

Please let me have your opinion as soon as possible, to give me time, in case of need, to sign any required communication or petition at the All-Russia C.E.C. session which opens tomorrow.[1]

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Chairman, Council of People’s Commissars

Also please inform me in a separate confidential letter about some of the details of Nikolayev’s removal from the office of head of the radio department to another post; and also about what qualification Comrade Trofimov, who,   I believe, is now in charge of the department, has for doing so; also about the qualification of the specialist who is directly responsible for this work at the central department.[2]


[1] V. S. Dovgalevsky informed Lenin the same day that “Prof. Bonch-Bruyevich’s radiotelephone would be installed for operation in Moscow in early June”, adding that he considered it “desirable and just to give special mention to the work of the Nizhni-Novgorod Laboratory and of Professors Bonch-Bruyevich and Vologdin, and to support the petition of the Nizhni-Novgorod Soviet... ”.

On September 19, 1922, the Secretariat of the All-Russia C.E.C. resolved: “To award the Order of the Red Banner of Labour to the Nizhni-Novgorod Laboratory and, giving special mention to the services of Professors Vologdin and Bonch-Bruyevich and senior mechanic Shorin, to express gratitude to them on behalf of the All-Russia C.E.C.”

[2] The next day, May 12, 1922, People’s Commissar for Posts and Telegraphs, V. S. Dovgalevsky, gave a detailed account of   A. M. Nikolayev’s removal from the post of head of the technical administration, and described the efficiency of K. V. Trofimov who was appointed instead. He said Nikolayev was charged with general administration, whose functions included finance and organisational questions.

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