V. I.   Lenin

All-Russia Census Form for Members of the R.C.P.(B.)

Published: First published in part (facsimile of the first page) in 1924 in the magazine Ogonyok No. 7. First published in full (facsimile) in 1926 in the book: I. G. Lazyan “Personal File” of R.C.P.(B.) Member V. I. Ulyanov, (Lenin), Moskovsky Rabochy Publishing House, Moscow-Leningrad. Printed from the form filled in by Lenin.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1971, Moscow, Volume 42, pages 457-461.
Translated: Bernard Isaacs
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive (2004). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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February 13, 1922

C.C., R.C.P.
Form “A”
No. 38
of the World,
                               town                uyezd
1. Location of Party cell:    - - - -    Moscow   - - - - -     Zam-
                               vil.                volost     district

   - - - -  Kremlin area No. 1

2. Name of enterprise (office, army unit) at which the cell is

   organised:    C.P.C., Party card

3. Name of Party organisation which issued the card:    district

4. Surname:    Ulyanov (Lenin)

5. First name and patronymic:   Vladimir Ilyich

6. Sex: M.  7. Date of birth: born in 1870;  age: 52 years

8. Spoken language: Russian    9. What other languages can you
   freely speak: I can freely speak in none

10. a) Do you hold any religious beliefs (convictions)? (yes, no)
    specify which: No

    b) If you are an atheist, state since what age:   16

11. Number of members of the family (excluding the signer):

    dependents:       two
    working:       two

12. Education: a) can you read and write (yes, no):   Yes
    b) if you studied or are studying, state: — 
Table I. Educational Qualification
Type of school (2-class rural zemstvo, 4-class town school; technical vocational school; evening motor classes; aviation classes, high school); university; Party school). Out-of-school education to be indicated by the words “self-taught”, “home-taught” How many years did you study Did you finish school (yes, no, finished such-and-such a class, still studying)
13 14 15
a. Finished classic school in 1887
b. and passed university finals
c. at extern law faculty in 1891
8 years (in classic school) Finished classic school. Passed extern university finals
16. If you have a desire to study, what would you take up (reading and writing, the sciences, arts, trades—specify which):—
Table II. Social and National Origin
Relation to the signer Basic profession or occupation, post, rank Trade status (employer; self-employed, wage-worker, professional man, houseowner, housewife Nationality
17 18 19 20
1. Grandfather (on father’s side) I don’t know
2. Father——— Director of elementary schools
3. Mother———
21. At what age did you start earning your own living: at 27
    (approximately); as employee or self-employed: litterateur

22. a) Basic profession and speciality before 1917: litterateur
    b) How many years have you worked at this profession:
                  about 20 (1897-1917)

23. Principal source of income before 1914:
           literary work and salary from the Party.
    in 1914-1917:   Ditto 
Table III. Record of Employment from 1917 to Date
Work Period Place of work Kind of occupation Employed, elected, appointed Length of employment
Name of enterprise (office, army unit) where you have worked no less than 3 months and where you are working at present Town or gubernia Period, from/to Total employment
Month year Month year Years Months
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
A. From 1917 to time of entering present employment a ...
b ...
c ...
d ...
e ...
B. At time of filling in this form: a. from X. 1917 Chairman C.P.C.
b. ...
Moscow By appointment from 25.X.1917 4 3
33. Last monthly pay: (monetary): wage category 17, basic
    rate ———– rubles, total pay 4,700,000 rubles 
Table IV. Length of Party Membership
Name of Party and Group Status in the organisation (“professional”, committee member, Committee Secretary, organiser, agitator, propagandist; combat-squad member, technical worker, rank-and-file member) Place of work (town, gubernia) Joined (year, month) Quitted (year, month) Total length of Party membership (in years and months)
34 35 36 37 38 39
R.C.P.(B.) professional, C.C. member Moscow 1895 (actually) about 27 years
Table V. Revolutionary Record
Participation Number of occasions
40 41
1. In economic strikes
2. In political ”
T o t a l
In street political demonstrations
In students’ movements (1887)
In illegal circles many
In illegal mass rallies and meetings many
In May Day rallies
In armed uprisings and partisan actions
In Party conferences }
In Party congresses } In practically all
42. Prison record: a) length of imprisonment: years 1  months 2;
    in administrative exile: years 3 months—; deportation years—
    months—; political emigration: years  about 10 months———;
    number of escapes: —

43. a) What newspapers and magazines did you read in 1921 (name
    them):  various

    b) Regularly, occasionally, never:  irregularly

    c) If you never read, state why (no newspapers, no time, no
       interest) —

    d) If you do read state where (at home, at work, at a library,
       reading-room, on paper stands:  at home

44. a) How long have you been a member of a trade union: from

    b) Do you take part at the present time in trade union work
       (yes, no):  no

    c) If you do, specify what: 
Table VI. Military Record as Serviceman and Political Commissar
In what army Arm of service and speciality (infantry, cavalry, artillery, sappers, engineers) Military rank (private, company commander) Length of service Number or occasions of
Date, from/to Total service Participation Wounds Military awards
Month, year Month, year Years Months In skirmishes In hand- to- hand fighting Firearm Cold steel
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
1. In tsarist army
2. In White army
3. In Green army
4. In Red army
57. If you were not in military service, did you undergo General
    Military Training (yes, no):  No

58. When were you demobilised month— of, year 19 —

59. a) If you are a town dweller or a worker do you maintain any
       contacts with the village (yes, no) —

    b) If so, specify (I have a farm, a market garden, a bee-garden,
       etc., of my own or in partnership with other persons) —

    c) What is your part in this business (personal labour, financial


    Town of Moscow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... February 13, 1922

                                             V. Ulyanov (Lenin) 


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