V. I.   Lenin



Dictated: Dictated on December 16, 1922
Published: First published in 1965 in Collected Works, Fifth (Russian) Ed., Vol. 54. Printed from the text in Nadezhda Krupskaya’s hand.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, pages 605b-606a.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Letter to the Deputies[1]

1. Rykov should be given the State Planning Commission.[2]

2. I think that we should employ 6 shorthand writers recording every interview briefly, in 3 or 4 lines, naturally confining this only to the essence of what is agreed and to the main—two or three—figures.

I think this is necessary to have the work of the three deputies concerted, and second, to make it possible to   think again about the decisions taken on the run, and to compare the results of the measures taken after a few weeks.

Gorbunov should be assigned the organisation of this whole apparatus of stenographic note-taking, and strict supervision to see that it works quite well.

3. Please make a brief record—roughly on one page— of the decision you have finally taken with respect to the statistician Popov. I do not intend to question this decision just now, but believe that within a few weeks we shall need a precise record of the charges and the defence.[3]

N. Lenin


[1] The typewritten copy says: “To Comrades Kamenev, Rykov and Tsyurupa.”—Ed.

[2] Then follows a crossed-out text which is not in the typewritten copy: “2. I have not yet had time to give sufficient thought to the other points of the distribution, and I shall reply today, if I have time to reread and think them over.”—Ed.

[3] The point at issue has not been established.—Ed.

[4] This is one of Lenin’s letters about the distribution of work between the deputy chairmen of the C.P.C. and the C.L.D., and about the most rational organisation of work of the C.P.C. apparatus (see present edition, Vol. 33, pp. 247–48, 335–43; Vol. 42, pp. 428–29, 430–32, 432–33).

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