V. I.   Lenin


To:   L. B. KAMENEV[1]

Written: Written on November 7, 1021
Published: First published in 1959 in Lenin Miscellany XXXVI. Printed from the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, page 371b.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Comrade Kamenev:

I think Chicherin is wrong. The condition we must lay down is that the grain should go only to our starving peasants; we have to accept. We in the C.P.C. decided on 5/XI to give gold only for 9 million poods (33 — 15 = 18. 18 : 2 == 9[2]). We must try to help in every way, even if in exchange for the British rubbish.

We shall make a provisional reservation on security.

7/XI. Lenin


[1] Written on G. V. Chicherin’s letter reporting that the British famine relief committee intended to deliver to the Ukraine and other areas goods for exchange for grain, so as to send the grain obtained to the famine-stricken areas. Chicherin proposed that the plan should be rejected, believing that the British would supply old goods and mat there was danger of bandit attacks on British shop assistants.

[2] The figures are a calculation of the seed required for spring sowing in the famine-stricken gubernias in the spring of 1922. The necessary quantity was 33 million poods, of which 15 million poods were to be supplied to the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture by the People’s Commissariat for Food; to obtain one-half of the remaining 18 million poods, that is, 9 million poods, the C.P.C. allocated gold; the other 9 million poods were to be obtained by the People’s Commissariat for Food through procurements aver and above the plan.

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