First published in 1959 in Lenin Miscellany XXXVI.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 45,
page 103a.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
R. Cymbala
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Comrade Kamenev:
Badaich[1] has earnestly requested me to help them in having the old Yakunchikov estate and the Khodynski farmstead transferred to the M.C.C.[2]
He argues that they are close to Moscow. This would give Muscovites a vegetable garden and a farm.
He says that the Gubernia Land Department will handle the supplies itself.
Badaich refers to the good experience gained in Petrograd, where a farm was run on model lines.
In principle: the city’s interest should have an effect on the “diligence”. Badayev is right in principle.
Or we could do this: let Badaich have it, and give the Gubernia Land Department a formal order: you must not lag behind with your state farms, and make a comparison in the autumn.
P.S. In general, press forward with the vegetablegarden campaign. Should we raise this in the Council of Labour and Defence? To provide the pressure?
[2] Moscow Consumers’ Commune.—Ed.
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