V. I.   Lenin



Published: First published on January 21, 1927 in the newspaper Molot No. 1641 (Rostov-on-Don). Printed from a typewritten text with Lenin’s additions and signature.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, pages 73b-74a.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Dear Comrades:

From the comrades you have sent, Lavrik, Malikov and Bykov, I learned with great satisfaction how you organised the dispatch of a gift to the working people of the city of Moscow. In accordance with the mandate of your general meeting, I received from your delegates Invoice No. 243 covering the cargo you dispatched: 2,002 poods of wheat, 1,869 poods 29 pounds of barley and 35 poods of flour, and also a detailed written report about how you carried out the procurement of salt by doing free overtime work, about your voluntary stints without pay on holidays in general, and about your cultural and educational work.

Instructions have been issued to have the cargo, delayed en route through no fault of the comrades you have sent, delivered to the People’s Commissariat for Food, and all the foodstuffs you have sent will be handed over to the workers of the city of Moscow.

I advise you to give more attention to cultural and educational work and the schools. I hope that through a concerted effort you will succeed in eliminating all the difficulties which arise.

I was especially interested in the communist farming you have introduced. One of the most important tasks now facing the Republic is the development and boosting   of agriculture. I was happy to hear your report that this year you will be able to develop 2,200 dessiatines as ploughland, and 25 dessiatines as vegetable garden. You must see to it that your agriculture is organised on the right lines, as agronomic science requires, and I advise you to get a knowledgeable agronomist for that purpose.[1]

My special request to you is that your work in the commune should be so organised as to help peasants in the vicinity and maintain the best relations with them. Without this and without business-like practical economic success I have little faith in the communes, and am even somewhat apprehensive of them.

I send you all my comradely greetings.

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

I am very sorry that I was unable to see them personally and had to ask Comrade N. P. Gorbunov to do so.


[1] The following text is in Lenin’s hand.—Ed.

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