V. I.   Lenin



Written: Written on December 5, 1921
Published: First published in 1933 in Lenin Miscellany XXIII. Printed from the original.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Volume 45, page 400b.
Translated: Yuri Sdobnikov
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.
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Please pay attention to this,, because the author of the letter is a man of absolute integrity.

Please have a thorough check made about speeding up the tests, to see how solid they are, and to help the inventor as soon as possible.

Phone me at the village on the results not later than about 13/XII.[1]


Krzhizhanovsky knows him (without knowing about his invention). Have a talk with Krzhizhanovsky as well.


[1] Written in connection with a letter from T. I. Sedelnikov of the People’s Commissariat for Agriculture concerning the invention of a new building material called “torfite” (for Lenin’s markings on the letter see Lenin Miscellany XXIII, pp. 95–96).

Lenin was on sick leave from December 6, 1921, and was living at Gorki near Moscow.

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