Written: Written in May, not earlier than 27, 1920
First published in 1942 in Lenin Miscellany XXXIV.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 378a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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This to be permitted only on condition:
1) Of the special responsibility of definite local comrades.
2) Of special measures for disarmament.
3) Of not releasing particularly dangerous individuals (lists through the Vecheka).
[1] The telegram from the R.M.C. of the Caucasian Front (received by the R.M.C. of the Republic on May 27, 1920) raised the question of releasing captive Cossacks—privates and NCO’s of the Kuban White army—from P.O.W. camps and sending them home; the officers, it was proposed, were to be put at the disposal of Front Headquarters.
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