Written: Written on January 23, 1920
First published in 1959 in Lenin Miscellany XXXVI.
Printed from the typewritten text, added to and signed by Lenin.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 336.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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In reply to Yermakov’s telegram No. 25 concerning the existence of a huge number of all kinds of commissions, organisations and authorised agents engaged in organising fuel procurement—of military commissions alone there are as many as twelve plus the Ekaterinburg military district commission, the Ufa front-line commission, etc., newly set up by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic—the Council of Defence decided: to instruct the Revolutionary Council of the Labour Army to settle the questions raised in the telegram in a way which will restore the greatest possible unity and co-ordination in the work of cutting, sawing, transporting and floating firewood, with the gubleskom and zheleskom[2] retaining the leading role.[4]
Report decisions and measures adopted.[3]
Chairman, Council of Defence
[1] Authorised agent of the Special Committee of the Council of Defence for introducing martial law on the railways and promoting fuel supplies.—Ed.
[2] Gubleskom and zheleskom—Gubernia Timber Committee and Railway Timber Committee.—Ed.
[3] The last sentence is in Lenin’s handwriting.—Ed.
[4] The questions raised in Yermakov’s telegram were discussed in the Council of Defence on January 16 and 23, 1920. The decision quoted by Lenin was adopted by the Council on January 23.
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