Written: Written in August, not earlier than 28, 1920
First published in 1965 in Collected Works, Fifth Ed., Vol. 51.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 425a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Comrade Dzerzhinsky,
I enclose a coded message from Comrade Beloborodov.[1]
In my opinion the danger is immense.
I propose:
the adoption of a directive from the Political Bureau
asking the Orgbureau, by arrangement with the Commissariat for Military Affairs and the Vecheka, to draw up emergency measures to combat the danger of a revolt and to mobilise sufficient army, Cheka and Party forces.
Please hand all this at once to Comrade Krestinsky (he will be away for only a few hours today) and for your part adopt all measures at once.
If we are faced with a revolt on the Kuban, our whole policy (which was spoken about in the C.C.) will crash. It is necessary, at all costs, to prevent a revolt, and not to grudge people or efforts for this. Should we not send Mantsev there?
[1] A. G. Beloborodov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Caucasian Labour Army, reported in his telegram that the counter __PRINTERS_P_553_COMMENT__ 18–2075 revolutionary whiteguard landing force in the Kuban area would be liquidated in the immediate future (see Note 438).
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