Written: Written on August 3, 1920
First published in 1959 in Lenin Miscellany XXXVI.
Sent to Lozovaya.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
pages 408c-409a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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I do not quite understand why you are dissatisfied with the separation of the fronts. Let me know your reasons. It seemed to me to be necessary since the Wrangel danger is increasing. As to a deputy, let me know your opinion about a candidate. Please inform me also what promises the Commander-in-Chief is late with. Our diplomacy is subordinated to the C.C. and will never disrupt our successes, if the Wrangel danger does not cause vacillations within the Central Committee. From the Kuban area and the Don Region we are getting alarming, even desperate, telegrams about the menacing growth of the insurgent movement. They are insisting on more speed in defeating Wrangel.
[1] This telegram was written in reply to the following telegram from Stalin, sent on August 2, 1920, from Lozovaya: “Fierce fighting is continuing with growing intensity; today we shall probably lose Alexandrovsk. I received your note concerning the separation of the fronts. The Politbureau ought not to concern itself with trifles. I can go on working at the front for two weeks at the most, I need a rest, find someone to replace me. I do not believe the promises of the Commander-in-Chief for a single minute, by his promises he only lets us down. As regards the sentiments of the Central Committee in favour of peace with Poland, one cannot help remarking that our diplomacy sometimes very successfully torpedoes the results of our military successes” = (Collected Works, Fifth Ed., Vol. 51, p. 441).
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