Written: Written on April 15, 1920
First published in 1942 in Lenin Miscellany XXXIV.
Printed from the typewritten text, added to and signed by Lenin.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 367b.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Other Formats:
By direct line
Orjonikidze, R.M.C., Caucasian Front
I authorise you to announce to the mountain people that I promise to get financial aid for them passed through the Council of People’s Commissars. On account of this give them up to[2] 200 million. In a few days Narimanov will leave for Petrovsk in accordance with your proposal. You can tell Mr. Uratadze in your name that the government does not object to his coming to Moscow, but I fully agree with you that there should be no hurry with his leaving Rostov for Moscow, in view of which I leave it to your discretion to fix the day of his departure.[3] On the question of land relations you can act independently, reporting, however, on the measures you take in this sphere. Please send information more often. I request you to expedite the transfer of units to the South-Western Front.
[1] At the bottom of the telegram Lenin added the words: “Please transmit this tonight by direct line to Rostov-on-Don. Lenin.”—Ed.
[2] The subheading and the words “I promise ... give them up to” are in Lenin’s handwriting.—Ed.
[3] Uratadze—a representative of the Georgian Menshevik government, who had arrived in Rostov to go from there to Moscow for diplomatic talks with the Soviet Government, he was detained in Rostov by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caucasian Front, about which Lenin was informed by Orjonikidze.
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