Written: Written on October 18, 1019
First published on January 21, 1937, in Pravda No. 21 and Izvestia No. 19.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 295c.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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In code
Revolutionary Military Council of the Turkestan Front
Give all your attention, not to Turkestan but to the complete liquidation of the Urals Cossacks, even if you have to use diplomatic means.[1] Make every effort to speed up help for the Southern Front. Could not the Orenburg Cossacks be taken to the front near Petrograd or some other front? Report more frequently in code on actual fulfilment.
[1] The situation on the Southern Front becoming extremely acute, the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) and the Soviet Government demanded that the military command should first of all eliminate the whiteguard forces which might co-operate closely with Denikin’s army. The Urals White Cossack army of General Tolstov, being adjacent to the right flank of Denikin’s front, was in a position to make contact with Denikin’s forces. It operated in the North Caspian area and diverted to itself troops of the Turkestan Front as well as part of the forces of the 11th Army of the South-Eastern Front.
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