Written: Written on May 14, 1919
First published in 1942 in Lenin Miscellany XXXIV.
Printed from the text in Sklyansky’s handwriting.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
pages 228b-229a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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We have received from Beloborodov the following telegrams, the first: “The front at Donets has been broken through”, etc., and the second: “It is necessary to expel from the Red Army ranks”, etc. In addition there is a report on demoralisation in our units and complete lack of energy on the part of the local command. Evidently the liquidation of the revolt is being more and more delayed, yet the threat of the insurgents joining forces with Denikin’s troops is growing. Are you keeping a sufficiently attentive eye on the operations? Should not units be added from the reserves of the Southern Front? How many of the 214 Communists Smilga sent to the south in April and May have been used for this purpose? What new effective measures have been taken to put an end to the revolt and when can one expect it to be put down? Are the peasants south of the revolt being mobilised?[1] The case of the General Staff member ...[2] must be investigated. We await a reply.
[1] From the words “and when” the text is written in an unknown hand.—Ed.
[2] The name is illegible.—Ed.
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