First published in part on July 24, 1928, in Pravda No. 170.
Published in full in 1934 in Proletarskaya Revolutsia No. 3.
Printed from the typewritten copy.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 227b.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Frunze, Commander, Southern Group of the Eastern Front[1]
Are you aware of the grave position of Orenburg?[2] Today, through railwaymen who had spoken by direct line, I was told of the desperate request of the Orenburgers to be sent 2 regiments of infantry and 2 of cavalry, or at least 1,000 infantrymen and a few squadrons to begin with. Let me know at once what has been done and what your plans are. You will not, of course, regard my telegram as violating army orders.
May 12, 1919
[1] The words “of the Eastern Front” are in Lenin’s handwriting. —Ed.
[2] Under pressure from the White Cossacks, the Soviet troops, which had been on the defensive east of Orenburg, withdrew and occupied positions seven kilometres from the town.
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