First published in part in 1940 in Proletarskaya Revolutsia No. 4.
Published in full in 1965 in Collected Works, Fifth Ed., Vol. 50.
Sent to Vienna.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 162a.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Comrade Weissbrot,
You happen to be in Vienna....[1] I hope you will do everything you can to find the Lefts. Perhaps Strasser (Josef Strasser) will help find them, although he himself, probably, is not...[2] to help them.
Write more often, with every courier.
If possible (if you have good connections, etc.) try to rescue my library from Poronin (Galizien)[3] : I left it there at the dacha with my things in 1914, I had to pay a balance of 50 kronen; now I would give 100,000,000 to have the library rescued. But that ...[4] is a personal matter.[5]
The important thing is to find the Lefts in Vienna and to help them in every way. I’m afraid you won’t succeed in this owing to the lack of connections, but try to do everything possible.
11/XI. 1918
[1] [DUPLICATE "*".] The manuscript is partly damaged.—Ed.
[2] [DUPLICATE "*".] The manuscript is partly damaged.—Ed.
[3] ["**"] Lenin made an insertion here in the manuscript, the legible part of -which reads: “...I lived in Poronin under my own name....” —Ed.
[4] [DUPLICATE "*".] The manuscript is partly damaged.—Ed.
[5] The books preserved from Lenin’s library in Poronin as well as archive materials (the Cracow-Poronin archives) were handed over to the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death. The first batch of materials was received in 1924, and some of the books belonging to Lenin in 1933. Twelve of Lenin’s books, kept in the Bydgoszcz library, were handed over to the Soviet Army in 1945 as a token of gratitude for the liberation of the town from the German occupationists. A large batch of materials from the Cracow-Poronin archives, discovered by archivists of the Polish People’s Republic, was received in 1951. A particularly large number of valuable documents were handed over-to the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. by the Polish United Workers’ Party in 1954. Altogether, in 1951 and 1954, over a thousand new documents were handed over to the U.S.S.R. from Poland.
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