Written: Written in April, not earlier than 2 and not later than 4, 1918
First published on January 26, 1935, in Pravda No. 25.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 44,
page 74b.
Translated: Clemens Dutt
R. Cymbala
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Kuibyshev, Chairman of the Soviet of Deputies, on the line in Samara
Comrade Lenin, Dutov’s forces have again become active in Orenburg; a report has been received that Cossack detachments are advancing within twenty versts of Orenburg. Iletsk is encircled by Cossacks. The Cossacks arc mobilising all the villages; they are committing terrible atrocities, three members of the Executive Committee, and Zakharov, Chairman of the Cossack Section of the Soviet,, have been killed. The bourgeoisie of Orenburg is actively participating. Orenburg requests the Council of People’s Commissars to help uproot this Dutov adventure, otherwise there will again be a blockage, which will cause the death through famine of 12,000,000 inhabitants of Turkestan. One detachment sent from Orenburg to Iletsk was surrounded and wiped out to a man; government commissar Tsvilling is believed to have been killed. Samara will strain all efforts to help Orenburg, but the local forces are insufficient to liquidate Dutov’s bands completely; help from the centre is essential. I have finished and await a reply.
I shall take all steps immediately to notify the military authorities and give you assistance.
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