Written: Written in August 1917
First published in 1929 in the journal Proletarskaya Revolyutsiya No. 11.
Sent from Helsingfors (Helsinki) to Petrograd.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 37,
page 540.
Translated: The Late George H. Hanna
D. Moros
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Dear Manyasha,
I am sending you greetings and all best wishes. I am quite comfortable and am working on the question of the state, which has interested me for a long time.[1]! want to give you some advice—you absolutely must go away for medical treatment. There is nothing much doing at the present time, troubled though it is, and you must use it to get your leg and your nerves treated. I ask you very, very sincerely to go away—immediately and without fail. You can take a translation or some fiction with you, so that you will be better able to stand the boredom that to a certain extent is inevitable during medical treatment. But you absolutely must go. Please do as I ask and drop me a line in reply. I embrace you fondly.
[1] Lenin refers here to his book The State and Revolution. The Marxist Theory of the State and the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution, on which he was working in August and September 1917 when in hiding (at Razliv and in Helsingfors) (see Collected Works, Vol. 25, pp. 381–492).
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