From the Cantonal Library (Zurich).
N.B. Atlanticus, Production and Consumption in the Social State, 1898. Preface by Kautsky.
Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth against Commonwealth, New York, 1901.
? Statistisches Jahrbuch f\"ur das Deutsche Reich (1915).
Stillich, Economic Studies in Big Industrial Enterprise. Vols. I and II. 1904 and 1906.
Bulletin de l’institut international de statistique (Vols. 1—19).
Clark, The Labour Movement in Australasia, 1906.
André Liesse, The Social Question, Paris, 1895.
Baumgarten and Meszleny, Cartels, 1906.
Juraschek, Surveys of World Economy.
Neumann-Spallart, Surveys, 1879–80... 1883–84 editions.
Quaintance, The Influence of Farm Machinery on Production and Labour, 1904. (Thesis.)
J. Plenge, From Discount Policy to Domination of the Money Market, 1913.
Schulze-Gaevernitz, British Imperialism, 1906.
? Emil Brezigar, Harbingers of Economic Crisis in Germany, Berlin,
1913 (1.80 marks).
Prognosis of the 1913–14 crisis.
Bernhard Mehrens, Origin and Development of the Big French Credit Institutions, 1911.
Lysis, Against the Financial Oligarchy in France, 1908.
André Liesse, Portraits of Financiers, 1909.
Testis, The Truth about Lysis’s Proposals, 1908.
Edm. Théry, Economic Progress in France.
|| Pierre Baudin, The Economic Boom.
[DITTO: || ] Maurice Schwob, Before the Battle (The Trade War), Paris, 1904.
R. Claus, Russian Banks, 1908. (Schmoller’s Forschungen, Number 131.)
Dr. Mentor Bouniatian, Economic Crises and Over capitalisation, Munich, 1908.
Edm. Théry, Europe and the United States. General Statistics, Paris, 1899.
Keltie, The Partition of Africa, 1895.
N.B.: 0. Schwarz, Financial Systems of the Great Powers. (Series of G\"oschen publications.) Two vols. Leipzig, 1909.
[Interesting tables on the development from the seventies to 1900. N.B.]
Principles of Social Economics, T\"ubingen, 1914 et seq.
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