First published in 1930 in Lenin Miscellany XIII.
Sent from Cracow to Clarens (Switzerland).
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 36,
page 227.
Translated: Andrew Rothstein
R. Cymbala
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February 13, 1913
Dear Comrade,
I cannot agree to your alterations. The book Twelve Years[1] has been confiscated, and it is hardly likely that a copy can be found. However, I shall try and make some inquiries, and if I have any luck I shall send you one.
Nadezhda Konstantinovna sends her greetings.
Absender: Wl. Uljanow. 47. Lubomirskiego. Krakau.
With all respect,
[1] Lenin’s book, Twelve Years. A Collection of Articles. Volume One. Two Trends in Russian Marxism and Russian Social– Democracy, was published in St. Petersburg in 1907 under the pen-name of Vl. Ilyin. It was confiscated by order of the tsarist government and was issued in a second edition in 1918.
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