First published in the Fourth Edition of the Collected Works.
Sent from Paris to Moscow.
Printed from the original.
Collected Works,
Progress Publishers,
Volume 37,
page 438.
Translated: The Late George H. Hanna
D. Moros
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October 25, 1909
Mother dearest,
A few days ago I received a letter from you and Anyuta and also the money sent from the publisher. Merci. Today I got a note from Manyasha, who writes that she wants to take a cure. I also got the book (Kriticheskoye Obozreniye) she sent.
Manyasha writes that you are still living in furnished rooms. That must be extremely inconvenient. It will be a good thing if you can soon move into the flat you found with the aid of your acquaintances.
Mitya will probably visit you in Moscow when he hears
of Manyasha’s arrival. I should like him to drop me a line
telling me how he finds Manyasha and which doctor (or
doctors) he wishes to consult about her.
There are no changes here. We are all well and send our regards. After wonderful weather during the first half of October, real autumn has begun. I embrace you fondly, my dear, and send my best regards to all.
V. U.
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