Zreniye, No. 2, February 4, 1907.
Published according to the Zreniye text.
Collected Works,
Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Volume 12,
pages 81-82.
R. Cymbala
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The liberal newspapers and those serving the liberals are still vociferating about the Black-Hundred danger in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
To show how utterly false these outcries and phrases are, we give here tables of the results of the Moscow elections so far published in the St. Petersburg press.
For the purpose of comparison we also quote from the newspaper Nasha Zhizn[1] for March 28, 1906, the results of the 1906 elections in Moscow.
The significance of the figures for the two years, which prove and prove again how utterly false are the fables about the “Black-Hundred danger”, is dealt with elsewhere.
Number of votes polled in Moscow in 1907:
Moscow Election Wards | Const.-Dem. | Octobrists | Monar- chists |
Left Bloc |
Arbat | 1,348 | 514 | 154 | 214 |
Basmannaya | 934 | 462 | 113 | 155 |
City | 643 | 266 | 107 | 61 |
Lefortovo | 938 | 631 | 244 | 190 |
Myasnitskaya | 1,331 | 551 | 191 | 191 |
Prechistenka | 1,183 | 538 | 161 | 175 |
Presnya | 1,196 | 550 | 187 | 458 |
Rogozhskaya | 1,565 | 963 | 267 | 286 |
Serpukhovskaya | 469 | 189 | 69 | 101 |
Sretenka | 1,239 | 403 | 106 | 303 |
Sushchevsky | 2,061 | 700 | 398 | 841 |
Khamovniki | 1,011 | 647 | 197 | 297 |
Yakimanka | 1,153 | 552 | 171 | 241 |
Tverskaya | 1,730 | 680 | 189 | 313 |
Yauza | 1,117 | 299 | 75 | 162 |
Meshchanskaya | 1,839 | 838 | 262 | 689 |
Total, 16 wards | 19,757 | 8,783 | 2,891 | 4,677 |
Moscow Election Wards | Const.-Dem. | Octobrists | Monar- chists |
Left Bloc |
In 1906 | ||||
Arbat | 1,269 | 700 | ? | – |
Sushchevsky | 2,867 | 930 | 193 | – |
Presnya | 1,662 | 646 | 150 | – |
Prechistenka | 1,810 | 734 | ? | – |
Tverskaya | 1,810 | 850 | 174 | – |
City | 571 | 362 | 50 | – |
Sretenka | 1,368 | 640 | 40 | – |
Yauza | 600 | 300 | ? | – |
Basmannaya | 1,263 | 507 | 83 | – |
Total, 9 wards | 13,220 | 5,669 | 690 | — |
Same 9 wards in 1907 | 11,451 | 4,412 | 1,490 | 2,682 |
Thus, the Moscow elections prove that the stories about the Black-Hundred danger are false. We remind the reader once again that the election figures for St. Petersburg in 1906 prove the same thing:
Wards | Lowest Cadet Vote |
One Half of That Number |
Highest Right Vote |
Number of Electors |
Admiralty | 1,395 | 697 | 668 | — 5 |
Alexander-Nevsky | 2,929 | 1,464 | 1,214 | —16 |
Kazan | 2,135 | 1,067 | 985 | — 9 |
Narva | 3,486 | 1,743 | 1,486 | —18 |
Vyborg | 1,853 | 926 | 652 | — 6 |
Petersburg | 4,788 | 2,394 | 1,729 | —16 |
Kolomna | 2,141 | 1,070 | 969 | — 9 |
Moscow | 4,937 | 2,468 | 2,174 | —20 |
Spassky | 4,873 | 2,436 | 2,320 | —15 |
Liteiny | 3,414 | 1,707 | 2,097 | +15[2] |
Rozhdestvensky | 3,241 | 1,620 | 2,066 | +14 |
Vasilyevsky Ostrov | 3,540 | 1,770 | 2,250 | +17 |
[1] Nasha Zhizn (Our Life)—a liberal daily newspaper published in St. Petersburg from November 6 (19), 1904 to July 11 (24), 1906, with some intervals.
[2] The plus signs in this table indicate the number of electors that could have gone to the Black Hundreds in the event of votes at the election having been divided between the Cadets and the Left bloc.
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