First published in the book The London Congress of the R.S.D.L P. (19O7), Unabridged Minutes, Paris, 1909.
Published according to the manuscript, verified with the book.
Collected Works,
Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Volume 12,
pages 437-488.
R. Cymbala
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[1] The Fifth Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party— held in London between April 30 and May 19 (May 13-June 1), 1907. The Congress was attended by 336 delegates with a vote and with consultative voice; of these 105 were Bolsheviks, 97 were Mensheviks, 57 were Bund members, 44 were Polish Social-Democrats, 29 were Latvian Social-Democrats and 4 were “non-factional”. The Bolsheviks were supported by the Poles and Latvians and had a stable majority at the Congress.
The Congress discussed: (1) the report of the Central Committee; (2) the report of the Duma group and its organisation; (3) the attitude to bourgeois parties; (4) the State Duma; (5) the labour congress and non-party labour organisations; (6) trade unions and the Party; (7) partisan actions; (8) unemployment, the economic crisis and lock-outs; (9) organisational questions; (10) the International Congress at Stuttgart (May 1, militarism); (11) work in the army; (12) miscellaneous. The most important point on the agenda was Lenin’s report on the attitude towards bourgeois parties. Bolshevik resolutions were adopted on all questions of principle. The Central Committee elected by the Congress consisted of 5 Bolsheviks, 4 Mensheviks, 1 Latvian and 2 Polish Social-Democrats. Alternate members of the C.C. were also elected: 10 Bolsheviks, 7 Mensheviks, 3 Polish and 2 Latvian Social-Democrats.
The Congress ended in the complete victory of Bolshevism over the opportunist wing of the Party, the Mensheviks. For further material on the Fifth Congress of the B.S.D.L.P. see Lenin s article “The Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties” (see present volume, pp. 489-509).
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